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​InstaForex Mobile Trader has been downloaded more than 1 mln times
2019-04-09 15:55:00

Here is great news from InstaForex! The mobile trading software designed by InstaForex for Android-based gadgets has been downloaded more than 1 million times. Last Friday on April 5, the company recorded exactly 1 million downloads of InstaForex Mobile Trader.

In other words, over 1 million people around the world are trading through the mobile app from InstaForex!
InstaForexMobileTrader is a full-fledged trading platform for smartphones which enables a trader to execute deals on Forex literally at any place in any situation. A user-friendly interface, fast speed, and a wide range of functions make InstaForexMobileTrader one of the best among its counterparts.

InstaForex is always on the move. The broker has been expanding the arsenal of services and products responding to feedback from its clients, savvy partners, and experienced colleagues. We thank all clients for their interest and active involvement!